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Tips: To discover the information on municipalities right click with your mouse on the map (on touch devices hold the finger); to search for an address, click on the magnifying glass.

Toda’s #MondayMap is dedicated to the environment, in particular to the rate of differentiated (glass and plastic, paper, biological, etc) waste collection by Italian municipalities.

The ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale: Government Agency for Environmental Protection and Research) recently published an online app that allows you to query a database and extract data on the amount of waste generated by each municipalities, both total and by reference to the amount of differentiated waste managed.

Such webapp is free to interrogate with queries, but the underlying datasets were not published as open data by ISPRA.

A non profit organization, OpenPolis, tasked itself with “extracting” the data from the online app and make them available as a CSV file distributed in its website (link)

Nordai, faithful to the reuse spirit of the open data movement, immediately decided to do its part, making an interactive map of the differentiated waste collection in Italy and adding to the CSV published by OpenPolis all the openGEOdata downloadable files.

Sometimes the dataset refers to the data of the Municipalities Aggregations (Unioni di Comuni).



Web service e download


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