Land use

Population density

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Tips: To know the information right click the mouse button on the map (on touch devices hold the finger); to search for an address, click on the magnifying glass.

For those of you who came across this map by chance and don’t know us, we are a young startup, with limited resources, which nonetheless strongly believes in open data; this is why started the pro-bono initiative #MondayMaps, and every Monday we either: 1) take a dataset we find on the web and show it on a simple and intuitive map for the benefit of the citizens, or 2) where no dataset exists, if we believe the data could be useful for the citizens, we make one and publish it as opendata.

A few days ago the ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale: Government Agency for Environmental Protection and Research) published the OpenData related to the land use in Italy. Thanks to new cartography in super-high resolution ISPRA was able to define the perimeter of the human made buildings of all the Italian territory, showing all the data related to Regions, Provinces, Municipalities.

Today’s #MondayMap is a double map, which a visual comparison of the relation that exists between Land Use and Population Density at the Municipality level.


Data Sources ISPRA:

  • Coordinamento tecnico-scientifico: ISPRA – Michele Munafò
  • Licenza: Attribuzione 3.0 Italia (CC BY SA 3.0 IT)
  • M. Munafò, F. Assennato, L. Congedo, T. Luti, I. Marinosci, G. Monti, N. Riitano, L. Sallustio, A. Strollo, I. Tombolini e M. Marchetti, 2015. Il consumo di suolo in Italia – Edizione 2015. ISPRA, Rapporti 218/2015.


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Conditions to reproduce the map

The maps (both in the version published on this page that the browser full screen) can be reproduced, reused, republished and reshared on paper or the internet or otherwise used, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of Nordai Srl, provided that Nordai is referred as source with the following words, in clearly visible: "Made with GeoNue By Nordai Srl" followed by this webaddress and our twitter account @Nordai_it. If materials, data or information are used in digital form, the acknowledgment of source must be made to enable a hyperlink (link) to page any case, the reuse in analog or digital form of materials taken from shall be promptly notified to the following address (, attaching, where possible, an electronic copy of the article where the materials have been reproduced or the link to the internet page on which were re-published.

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